Our company was founded in 2008, it is one of the success fashion bags retails online. All these bags on our site embodies the modern, powerful white collar with its alluring couture and dynamic ready-to-wear collections. Fashion bags come from the manufacturer direct. Onlyyouu,Inc is dedicated to selling designer bags at a attractive price compared with other similar retailer. Welcome to our bag store and purchase whatever you like! We always do our best to serve you. our company adhere to "quality first, clients first, so that customers fully satisfied" and is dedication to provide customers with excellt-quality products.
We own five famous brands, JUST STAR, NUCELLE, SAMMONS, DIMO, MEFASI. The SAMMONS is for man bags, esp mens shoulder bags and mens leather wallets. We have thousands of different styles, like cute messenger bags, evening bags clutches,weekend bag,oversized bags and so on. From another hand, these bags are fashion, for business, leisure and shopping. we has become a top e-commerce website sold designer bags. Our design centre is located in Italy called the art city.
All bags are from the manufacturer directly,we have been in this field for 5 years. These items on our website are above the money's worth. Another principle small profits but quick turnover, and let more people can afford these desiger bags. why choose us? 100% satisfaction guarantee! 60 days against manufacturer's defects, Accept free return and exchange!New arrivals come twice every month!
We value every customer, especially return customer, as for return customer, we offer coupons for them. If you are our return customer, you could ask the customer service representive for the coupons codes.
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Leather Messenger Bags, Mens Messenger Bags, Leather Tote Bags
Address: 135, Fengqiang village, Pukou District, Nanjing City, China,
Nanjing, Nanjing
China, 210032
Tel: 0086-025-52269951
Fax: 0086-025-52269951