GoJamesSport SUMUT
GoJamesSport is the best assembled bike you can buy. All production bikes arrive 90%
pre-assembled and are built by most shops in 30 minutes or less. We spend a minimum
of two hours putting your bike together. Frame and fork alignments are checked
first. Then every bolt is removed and greased, cables and housing are cut to correct
length, bottom bracket and headset are adjusted, and wheels trued.
We view every customer as a customer for life and instill this philosophy in our
employees to assure the complete satisfaction of every shopper. We continually
evolve to satisfy our customer and work arround the clock to update our site with
the newest products, useful new features and realible content. From browsing our
intuitive and information-rich website, to purchasing and delivery to your door, we
utilize the latest e-commerce and Internet technologies to provide order status
information, tracking number, safe and secure transactions. So we can GUARANTEE 100%
security of your purchase.
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GoJamesSport SUMUT
Address: Jl.Amaliun No.88,
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesia, 20142
Tel: +6289699506113
Fax: +62617368035