Optical Lens & Instrument
Achromatic Lenses(Doublets)
Achromatic Lenses(Doublets)
Achromatic (Doublets)Lenses Achromat consists of a positive low-index Crown Glass lens element cemented to a negative high-index Flint Glass lens element. The elements are chosen so as to cancel chromatic aberration at two well-separated wavelengths, usually in the blue and red region of the spectrum. Focal length is constant at those two wavelengths and focal length shifts are virtually eliminated across the visible wavelengths. One frequent use is to achieve diffraction limited focusing of a laser beam. Negative Achromat is typically used when there is a need to eliminate chromatic aberration. In addition to reducing chromatic aberration at the design wavelengths, spherical aberration and coma are greatly reduced.
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Optical Lenses
Address: 28H HuaSheng building No.528 , North Liuyi RD.,Fuzhou 350011,China,
fuzhou, Fujian
China, 350000
Tel: 86-591-83626970
Fax: 86-591-83623921