Wires, Cables & Cable Assemblies
With a variable viscosity as stated the changing friction losses will likely not allow for holding both flow and pressure constant. You will need to choose 1 phase to 3 phase variable frequency drive (VFD) to control constant flow or constant preessure. As mentioned, if your gear pump was machined for the higher viscosity (greater internal tolerances) it will likely need to faster to maintain the same flow at the low end of viscosity. Are there any suspended solids expected. If so what size? How is it dissolved into solution (mixing tank prior to pump)? What is being used to control the 1 phase to 3 phase VFD?
For one product, if the temp. is constant >>> visc. is constant , with new gear pump,,, then, the closer cause of the flow variation is the speed variation. the question - as stated by Robbert - is: What is being used to control the 1 phase to 3 phase variable frequency drive?
there several product we are metering using this pump. Each product have a specific viscosity. The pump was selected for viscosities of 200 cPs to be metered, as well as other products with viscosities that could reach up to 1500 cPs. Before processing the temperature of the 1 phase vfd being pumped is brought to a ficed temperature, say 20 deg C, by means of temp controlled units. Im sorry if you got be wrong, but temp i.e viscosity is constant all through the process. visit our website for more.
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Variable frequency drive
VFD drives
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China, 518000
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