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Gasoline octane number analyzer



Combination (Research and Motor method) Octane Rating Unit SINPAR FTC-M1 is a complete system for octane determination, conforming to ASTM D 2699 (ISO 5164) and ASTM D 2700(ISO5163) Standard Test method for Knock Characteristics of Motor and /or Aviation Fuels by the Research and Motor Methods respectively.
These methods are accepted worldwide as the standard for determining the octane quality of gasoline and fuel blending components.The Combination Unit provides the capability to switch between Research and Motor Methods with minor equipment adjustments. With either method,testing capabilities cover the 40 -120 octane number range.

Standards: ASTM D 2699 (ISO 5164) & ASTM D 2700(ISO5163), IP237 & IP236

Technical parameters
--Working Range: 40-120 octane number
--Compression Ratio: 4:1-18:1
--Intake Air Temperature: 52C plus or minus1C(adjustable)
--Mixture Temperature: 149 C plus or minus1 C (adjustable)
--Engine Speed: 900 plus or minus 9r/min (MON)
600 plus or minus 6r/min (RON)
--Jacket Temperature: 100 plus or minus1.5 C
--Spark Advance: 13(RON)
26 at 5:1 C.R.-Adjustable (MON)
--Oil Temperature: 57 plus or minus 8.5 C
--Dimensions: 1600H x 1500 L x 800 W

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Fuel octane testing equipment...


Octane number testing equipment...

Shanghai Sinpar Scientific Instrument Co.,Ltd

octane rating unit, octane test equipment, CFR Octane engines, octane tester, octane analyzer, ASTM D2699, ASTM D2700

Address: No.10, Yongchun East Road,
Shanghai, Shanghai
China, 201311

Tel: 0086-21-60538164


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