Agriculture & By-product Agents
What is Greater Celandine Extract produced in Changsha NutraMax Inc .?
Changsha NutraMax Inc Chelidonium majus (greater celandine and swallowwort ) is the one species from the genus Chelidonium belonging to the family PapaveraceaeThe whole plant is toxic in moderate doses as it contains a range of isoquinoline alkaloids but there are numerous therapeutic uses when used at the correct dosage.Its juice was utilized in old folk remedies for warts, calluses, eczema and, corns treatment. Today its tincture serves to remove warts, ringworm, eczema, psoriasis, bruise and sprain.
Where will NutraMax ’s Greater Celandine Extract used to?
*Celandine Extract is used in jaundice, eczema, scrofulous diseases, etc.
* Celandine Extract is still used as a fomentation for toothache.
* Celandine Extract is a very popular medicine in Russia, where Celandine Extract is said to have proved effective in cases of cancer.
Application of NutraMax ‘s Greater Celandine Extract
(1)Applied in Medicine
(2) Applied in ealth Supplement
(3)Applied in Flavoring powder
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Changsha Nutramax Inc
plant extract
Address: F25,Jiahege BLDG, #217 Wanjiali Road,Changsha, China, 410016,
Changsha, Hunan
China, 410016
Tel: 0086-731-82939657
Fax: 0086-82938822