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Clomiphene Citrate



The drug seems to have estrogenic effects on mood which can be beneficial improving relationships with women by improving empathy or can yield depression or PMS like symptoms but for most users there is no significant effect either way. The claim that duration of intake should not exceed 10- 14 days is incorrect. Clinical studies with male patients have been for periods of a year or longer. This error probably originates from the fact that for use in women due to the menstrual cycle there would obviously be no point in trying to stimulate ovulation all four weeks of the month. Thus use in women is limited to 10 14 days. That limitation is not because of toxicity. Clomid is in fact useful throughout a cycle if aromatizable drugs are being used. We do think however that to be conservative one should use it no more than 2- 3 of the time throughout the year or a little less. contact for more inquries

greenpharmacy36 at gmail dot com

Anadr ol Oxymeth, Clomid,

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