Chinese Herb Medicine
Kola Nut Extract Cola Acuminata Caffeine theobromine
Kola Nut is also known as Cola Nut and Cola.It is extremely popular in the tropics as a caffeine-containing stimulant. The properties of Kola are the same as caffeine, modified only by the astringents present.
Official Latin Name: Cola acuminata
Kola Nut is also known by the names Kola, Cola, Cola Nut, Bissy Nut, Gooroo Nut, and Guru Nut. This plant is native to Africa, and is cultivated extensively in the tropics, particularly in Nigeria, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and South America. There are 125 species of this plant (all of which are indigenous to tropical West Africa) where the seeds are chewed to curb hunger, allay thirst, and enable people to work hard in hot conditions. Kola Nut seeds are considered a symbol of hospitality and used in many social ceremonies such as marriage, birth, and funerals. They are often prayed over before being shared.
Organic Herb Inc.
ATTN: Arene/Sales manager
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Changsha Organic Herb Inc.
herbal extracts
Address: NO.2405 Dushidongjia,Xiongju,Mawangdui North Road,
Changsha, Hunan
China, 410016
Tel: +86 731 2967871
Fax: +86 731 2967861